John Woodgate
Also, during all my education, I felt a very deep and profound calling to write my book in 1988, Know The What Discover the How, to help other people discover what I had found (my true calling in life and a way to personal fulfillment). Since that time, I have counseled countless numbers of people on my book, Metaphysics, Spiritual Law and its application in their lives with remarkable success!
In working with people, I help them see how their mind chatter, (the constant bombardment of negative beliefs, learned behaviors and faulty conclusions) are influencing their current circumstances and expose the belief systems that are operating in them on a subconscious level. Once uncovered, healing occurs almost spontaneously and a new pattern of behaviors begin to emerge as pathways for achieving personal goals and emotional freedom.
I learned this technique working with Reverend Terry and have found it to be quickest and most effective way of restoring the true nature of an individual, as a Divine, Magnificent Expressions of The One Universal Intelligence that gives us what we believe, always!
I continued my Spiritual Education with Reverend Terry right up to a week before she made her transition. Her last instructions to me was to begin my teaching ministry and call it, Adventures In Enlightenment Ministries And School Of Advanced Metaphysics (named after her ministry).
It is my honor to continue with Reverend Terry’s mission helping others discover their Divine Self and achieving Spiritual Enlightenment and self-mastery over the endless, negative, mind chatter that she referred to as a mind virus that affects all of humanity.
I am available for individual counseling, seminars and classes that I offer all on a donation basis.
I look forward to hearing from you.